Rating: 4 Stars
Being book #35 in the Argeneau series, by Lindsay Sands, you can imagine how popular the author’s books are. This is Stephanie and Thorne’s story. Both of these characters have appeared in earlier books, and it is nice to finally get them together as the stars of their own story.
Stephanie was introduced as a teenager early on in the series. Now she is an adult and living the life of a recluse because she has the unique ability to hear other people’s thoughts. While that is good when hunting rogues, the crush of so many thoughts can be unbearable at times. Thus, her necessary rural and reclusive life that helps keep the noise to a minimum.
Thorne, also introduced in earlier books, is the result of genetic experiments conducted by his father Dr. Dressler. He is a mix of human and various animal DNA. As a result, he has wings and is not entirely mortal. Currently he is in Canada and staying at the compound that also contains Stephanie’s home while he awaits the possible removal of his wings.
When Thorne and Stephanie meet there is an instant attraction. When by chance their skin grazes the others, they both feel the electricity between them. Stephanie knows this can only be one thing, Thorne is her life mate. But will Thorne want her when he finds out her past and what will happen when Dressler comes looking for them both.
This book just further proves that this series is my go-to for vampire goodness. Enjoyed every moment of this story. I like how diverse Sands characters are and her imagination seems to know no bounds. She manages to keep delivering great story after great story and somehow keeps them fresh and exciting even after all this time.
Another thing I like about these books is that there is always some kind of tension and/or drama to keep the reader interested and invested in the outcome. The character development is good, and I was especially drawn to these two characters. I think it is because both of these characters have been through so much already and yet they still retain a positive outlook on life. Therefore, I really wanted them to have their happy ending.
I have read most of the books in this series and this one is in the top 5 for me. If you haven’t read any of these books, I strongly urge you to read this one or any of the others in the series for that matter. Sands always gives you enough background to read each book as a stand-alone.
I received a free copy, via NetGalley, in exchange for my honest review.