Foundryside by Robert Jackson Bennett

Title: Foundryside
Author: Robert Jackson Bennett
Pub. Date: 21-Aug-2018
Rating: 4.5 Stars

Foundryside by Robert Jackson Bennett has all the ingredients to make it a winner with fantasy readers. These ingredients include: A loveable main character, excellent world building and a well-executed plot with unexpected twists throughout.

Sancia Grado is a well-known thief with special abilities that allow her to be an expert in her craft. She is highly sought after for those most difficult and delicate jobs. She has just accepted a job to steal an item from a highly guarded safe in the port area of Tevanne. Unbeknownst to her, the item is not only highly valuable but is a powerful ancient artifact and there are people willing to kill to possess it.

The job is proceeding nicely and Sancia has managed to break into the safe and steal the artifact. Her problems start when she makes her escape from the warehouse that housed the safe. She finally makes it back to her hideaway and stows the box she has stolen into her secret hiding place. Then curiosity gets the better of her and she has to look in the box. What she finds is a key. All this for a key? Then the key starts speaking to her. She quickly realizes that very powerful people will be looking for her and that she is in grave danger. In order to survive, she will need all her abilities and those of others she would never have trusted with anything let alone her life.

In the main character of Sancia, the author has created a strong female heroine that is loveable and to who the reader quickly develops empathy for. Sancia is tenacious, loyal and of course an underdog and you will not be able to resist pulling for her even though she is a thief. Actually I quickly forget that she was basically a criminal. It helps, of course, to know that this harsh world has left her no choice.

The world building is solid and information is doled out perfectly. In addition, Foundryside felt very original to me. I read a lot of fantasy so to have something this original was very refreshing. Add to this a fast paced plot and twists to keep the reader engaged and you have a winner.

Hands down I highly, highly recommend to all fantasy lovers.

I received an ARC from the publisher, via NetGalley, in exchange for my honest review.


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