The Santa Suit by Mary Kay Andrews

Pub. Date: 28-Sep-2021
Rating: 4 Stars

The Santa Suit, by Mary Kay Andrews, is the perfect feel good story for the holidays about a young, recently divorced women who is starting over in a small town in North Carolina. It made for a marvelous and entertaining read everyone is sure to enjoy.

After her divorce, Ivy Perkins, decides a change of scenery is just what she needs and purchases an old farm house on a couple of acres sight unseen. She arrives at her new home with her dog Punkin, some baby chicks, and what few possessions she has managed to pack into her car.  A far cry from her life in Atlanta as the co-owner of a PR firm.

She is meet by Ezra, the helpful real estate agent, who sold her the property and just happens to be her neighbor. A very good looking neighbor and he turns out to be very handy with the little problems that crop up. The first problem is all the furniture and things from the previous owners.

Ivy starts settling in and going through some of the things left behind. During this process she runs across an old Santa suit with a crumbled note in the pocket. The old note is from a girl asking for her father to return from the war. This note intrigues her and she can’t resist the urge to find out more about this girl. It leads her to many new friends and allows her start healing her broken heart.

This story has so many good things going for it. I loved the plot and the setting of a small, rural community which was perfect for this type of story. The mystery of the note was a fantastic plot device that helped the story move along in a believable way.  

Loved Ivy and her unflappable attitude and strong sense of person. She is a take life by the horns type of person. Just the type of strong, yet feminine character, I enjoy reading about. The supporting characters were just as good and they complimented the story and Ivy’s character wonderfully.

Everyone needs a little dose of the Christmas magic throughout the year and this is the book to give you that. I highly recommend it for all those who love stories with feeling. I received a free copy from the publisher, via NetGalley, in exchange for my honest review.

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